Tracktreads is a small privately owned company providing software solutions to the earthmoving and mining industry.

Born in Cape Town, South Africa. John Bruyns started his own company shortly after moving to Melbourne Australia.

Using contacts within his engineering background he quickly developed a love of software solutions and the first system was developed for the CAT dealership William Adams in 2001 with a system known to the Oil Laboratories as Oil Commander, spreading organically within the Caterpillar Network and processing more than over 22 million samples (around 45% of the annual CAT S.O.S. Sample Volume) – this application was sold in 2016.

Turning his hand next – at another Multi Nationals request to Undercarriage Management

Discovering how to calculate wear rates and send instantaneous reports across all Manufacturers. Promoting predictive maintenance and providing data driven analytics – the slogan “The Industry Standard” was created to promote knowledge and education in the field. Driving up the standard of undercarriage inspections by providing training, knowledge and the technology tools allowing teams to move from reactive fire fighting to proactive preventative maintenance. This specialised inspection tool feeds into CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) and EAM solutions (Enterprise Asset Management solutions) ensuring that accurate data is provided to those who need it.

For problems big……

and small, and happy to get his hands dirty.

The next task was to create a Ground Engaging Tools (GET) Inspection System which can also handle Bodies, Trays and Blades. This ground breaking system explores crack mappings and has allowed us to create a database of implement images.

To contact John with your earthing moving issues which we see as opportunities