Undercarriage components are high wear and large replacement cost items. Succeeding in this market means proving the performance of the product. This is where it often gets twisted since to provide a true comparison of performance; “apples versus apples”, requires: –

- Selecting the correct component for the environment – testing the performance of a component in the environment to which it is specifically designed provides a better chance of obtaining the true performance value.
- Operating different components in the same environment – this can be done by putting the 2 competing components on each side of the machine.
- Normalising the results at end of life – many components are removed before they are 100% worn for a variety of reasons. Calculating the hours, the component would have achieved to 100% worn based on the actual usage normalises the components life for best comparison.
- Building a comparison over multiple components – a database of component history is the best way of monitoring performance across multiple instances of a component to determine its true average performance.
- Tracking component costs and hours – these need to be tracked and compared for each component performance test. The true value of a component is not just the hours it achieves over its life, but the cost per hour!
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