The time taken to complete a full Undercarriage inspection manually on a dozer is on average about 20 to 25 minutes covering both sides.
A field Rope Shovel inspection on the other hand can take between 2 and 4 hours depending on the number of inspection or observation points and how much cleaning needs to be done.
The length of the inspection will normally determine the volume of data that is captured, especially images. Rope Shovels are inspected less often due to
- Reduced distance moved
- Their availability being less as they are production machines
- Some of the measurements require the machine to be jacked-up, and possibly disassembled
Getting back to the point, digitizing the field data collection process does not lead to major time savings, the real advantage lies post field inspection, especially the images. On a manually completed dozer inspection, inspectors can take anywhere between 2 and 4 hours to compile the inspection report once back in the office, calculating the percent worn, allocating the images to the correct component and interpreting the data and actions that should be recommended to the customer.
When it comes to rope shovels, when completed manually and due to the large volumes of data, especially images, the preparation for the report can take anywhere up to a full working day of 8 hours.
Digitizing the entire process reduces this time for preparing the report to minutes. All that is required is the need to select recommendations as to maintenance actions needing to be planned. All comments images calculations are automatically completed and added to the report resulting in a huge time saving and cost. Accuracy is improved along with standardization of reporting and calculations, to name but a few.