Shifting Requirements – TrackTreads has always been committed to meeting customer needs by providing training for effective management of tracked machines. Over time, we have observed a shift in training preferences, moving from traditional onsite visits to a more flexible and accessible remote training model. Recognizing this change, TrackTreads now offers complimentary remote training for undercarriage management to empower our customers to maximize component life and achieve optimal financial performance from their undercarriage.

Remote Training for Enhancing Skills – Our commitment to customer satisfaction has led us to embrace remote training as an integral part of the solution we offer. This allows us to upskill maintenance technicians and inspectors, ensuring they have the necessary knowledge and techniques at their fingertips. The convenience of remote training not only saves time but also provides flexibility for participants to learn at their own pace, contributing to more efficient and empowered participants. This also responds to a growing challenge in the industry of developing and retaining knowledge and skills in the industry. We are currently developing new training materials tailored to train emerging talent and by partnering with our customers, help to overcome their challenges posed by the scarcity of skilled professionals.

Benefit to the Industry – The benefits extend beyond just our customers and the individuals whom we train, as the initiative contributes to the industry’s collective knowledge base. By empowering maintenance technicians, machine operators and new aspirants, with the latest skills, we are collectively building a more skilled workforce.

In a dynamic industry where technology evolves rapidly, TrackTreads remains committed to providing solutions that cater to the changing needs of our customers. Our offering of remote training, the development of new training materials, and the focus on nurturing talent highlight our dedication to helping the industry grow. Through these initiatives, TrackTreads aims to play a pivotal role in shaping a skilled workforce for the future of undercarriage management.